How to Command the Muse to Come On Your Time (3 Steps to Discipline Your Writing Life)

Do you have trouble making real progress with your writing life? Do you have big writing dreams, but struggle to make them come true? Do you have good intentions to write, but suck at putting them into practice? Do you finally get all the stars aligned, sit down to write, and stare at the blank page uninspired? You need a healthy dose of discipline. The only way to actually get the writing done is by doing the writing; but making it a habitual practice will make it easier to write every time, you'll write more often, and you'll train your muse to show up with you. Learn the 3 steps to discipline your writing life and command the muse to show up on your time.

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Why Do You Write? Discovering the BFF of Your Writing Motivation + Perseverance

If you're ready to take writing seriously, you have to know what you're doing; and, more importantly, you have to know why you're doing it. Your why will be there to give you energy to start, it will comfort you and keep you going when you slog through the middle, and it will pull you up and dust you off when you crash. Your why is basically your BFF as a writer. Have you ever stopped to consider why you write? There's a history of writer's exploring their reasons and motifs. Learn all about it and discover your own why in this post! (+ There's a FREE pretty printable for you!)

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How to Transform Your Writing Dreams Your Reality

Every month I like to do a reflection on my achievements and a little bit of planning my goals and dreams for the coming weeks. June is the half-way mark of the year, and it's the perfect time to evaluate where you're at and where you're going. It's also important to set goals that you actually can and want to accomplish. Learn how to set the right kind of goals so you'll actually get shit done and transform your writing dreams into your reality. Plus, there's a FREE 10-page workbook to get you started on your own goal setting.

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6 Ways to Quit Pressuring Your Writing to Succeed

Do you feel the pressure to publish something NOW? To be validated as a writer? To have "accomplished" something? Don't let the "NOW" pressure your writing, or else you'll get overwhelmed, you'll paralyze your process, and your writing will suck. Learn how to retrain your thinking, fight back those insecurities, and feel confident with your writing. 

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How to Beat Impostor Syndrome and Get Writing Again

Do you ever feel like you're not good enough? Like you're not a real writer? It's a paralyzing fear caused by your evil internal editor, and it can make you stop writing. Learn what the imposter syndrome is and how to get rid of it, so you can get back to working on your Real+Good Writing. 

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