The Relationship Between Truth and Fiction: Does it Matter if You Write Autobiographical Fiction?

Was your story inspired by real events, real people, real life? This can often make your story seem authentic, but how much "you" is too much "you" in your story? Where do you draw the line? Fiction and truth are not mutually exclusive. Learn how they can work together to make your story truly shine.

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How Write About Big Themes Without Being Too Sentimental or Cliche

We write “about” the world. We write to document the human experience: the beauty, the chaos, the pain, the sentiment. We want to write something real. But how do we evoke it without falling into cliche? Poet Joy Katz shows us how to defeat that pesky cloud of "aboutness" when it comes to big themes once and for all. Here’s how she got me to think about common, but big themes in a whole new way.

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How to Beat Impostor Syndrome and Get Writing Again

Do you ever feel like you're not good enough? Like you're not a real writer? It's a paralyzing fear caused by your evil internal editor, and it can make you stop writing. Learn what the imposter syndrome is and how to get rid of it, so you can get back to working on your Real+Good Writing. 

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The #1 Tip That FREED Me as a Writer: The Writer's DNA

If you want to get to Real+Good Writing, you first have to know who you are, what you're writing, and why you're writing it. Learn how thinking about the Writer's DNA opened doors for my writing to be what I really wanted it to be. Plus, discover your own Writer's DNA with a FREE 12-Day course!

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Brain Being a Jerk? Beat Writer's Block by Eliminating Your Excuses (This is Your Pep-Talk)

Are you making excuses to put off your writing? Are you saying things like, "I'm too tired / too busy / too hungover / don't know what to write?" Well, quit it. Excuses like that are not doing anybody any good. Beat those negative thoughts and beat writer's block once and for all.

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